An ENT doctor specializes in diseases and conditions affecting the ear, nose, and throat. They also treat problems involving the vestibular system, diagnose hearing loss, and remove tumors. An otolaryngologist is also skilled in surgery.
ENT doctors are physicians trained in the medical and surgical treatment of diseases and conditions located in the head and neck
The range of medical problems that ENT physicians treat is extensive, including conditions affecting hearing, swallowing, breathing, and the brain. ENT physicians can also help patients with problems related to the eyes, skin, and cosmetics of the face. This diverse field of study allows ENT doctors to tailor their careers to their individual interests.
ENT doctors treat disorders affecting the ear, nose, throat, and sinuses. They also specialize in the surgical treatment of problems that affect the jaw, chin, and face. ENT doctors can also help with conditions affecting the esophagus, including cancer.
There are seven major areas of specialization within otolaryngology, and some ENT doctors specialize in one or more of these areas. To earn a full certification as an ENT physician, an applicant must complete four years of college, four years of medical school, and five years of residency training. During the residency program, ENT residents spend substantial time learning emergency medicine and basic surgery. The final year of residency is spent as a chief resident.
Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat hearing loss
Otolaryngologists diagnose and treat a wide variety of hearing disorders. They work closely with audiologists to find the cause of hearing loss and prescribe treatment. They can also diagnose and treat certain types of head and neck disorders, such as Meniere’s disease and vestibular disorders. Additionally, otolaryngologists have advanced training in the areas of neurotology, the study of the inner ear and the base of the skull.
Otolaryngologists also perform surgeries on the head and neck. They can perform rhinoplasty to correct deviated septum or cleft palate. They also treat other disorders of the head and neck, such as problems with voice and swallowing. In addition, they can diagnose and treat allergic conditions, and perform procedures like nasal surgery and immunotherapy.
Otolaryngologists treat many types of hearing disorders, including deafness, dizziness, and hearing loss. These physicians use advanced technology to diagnose and treat disorders of the head and neck. They offer comprehensive care for both children and adults.
They remove tumors
An ENT doctor and otolaryngologist are specialists who specialize in diseases of the ears, throat, nose, and larynx. These physicians can perform complex surgical procedures and diagnostic exams. They can also perform cosmetic surgery. Cosmetic surgery involves the removal of facial hair, if necessary.
A Washington University resident recently gained experience in surgical techniques used to remove tumors from the base of the skull. He learned how to use a state-of-the-art multidisciplinary surgical simulation lab. The residents were involved in the removal of an acoustic neuroma, a benign, slow-growing tumor. Neurotology and neurosurgery specialists often collaborate to perform these surgeries.
A biopsy is a crucial part of this procedure. Otolaryngologists also perform surgery to remove tumors and suspicious lesions. Some of these procedures can be done in the outpatient setting, while others may require an overnight hospital stay. Another type of surgery is lymph node surgery. This procedure removes cancerous lymph nodes in the neck. The extent of surgery depends on whether the cancer has spread to other parts of the body.
They treat vestibular disorders
Vestibular disorders affect your balance and orientation. They can be treated using various treatments including medicine and lifestyle changes. Some people also undergo surgery. The symptoms may include vertigo and hearing changes. Whether your condition is mild or severe, a physician will recommend treatment for your symptoms.
An ENT doctor can diagnose your symptoms and prescribe treatment. Treatments may include surgery, a hearing exam, or vestibular rehabilitation. Some of the most common vestibular disorders include Meniere’s disease, vertigo, labyrinthitis, and acoustic neuroma. ENT doctors are skilled in diagnosing and treating the most common conditions related to the Ear, Nose, and Throat.
Videonystagmography testing is an objective way to measure the vestibular system. This test is administered by an audiologist using special goggles. It lasts about an hour and involves three parts. The first part requires the patient to follow a series of lights while the second involves changing their body position while they experience cool or warm water in their ear canals. The results are then compared with normative data and conclusions can be drawn regarding the patient’s vestibular status.